Rabu, 29 Januari 2014

Earth 100 Million Years From Now

Heyhoo! When I was looking for a video for social sciences lesson, I found this video,

This video telling about earth condition. About Earth's landmasses were not always what they are today. Continents formed as Earth's crustal plates shifted and collided over long periods of time. This video shows how today's continents are thought to have evolved over the last 600 million years, and where they'll end up in the next 100 million years.

Selasa, 28 Januari 2014

Roll Depan (Senam Lantai)

Senam lantai atau floor exercise adalah senam yang dilakukan di lantai dengan beralaskan matras atau permadani.

Macam-macam senam lantai yaitu: Roll depan, roll belakang, kop stand (head stand), hand stand, kayang, sikap lilin, loncat harimau, salto, round off, lompat kangkang, lompat jongkok, meroda, guling lenting, handspring, dsb.

Senam lantai yang akan kita bahas kali ini adalah Roll depan.
Roll depan adalah guling yang dilakukan ke depan.
Adapun langkah-langkah untuk melakukan roll depan:
a)    Berdiri tegak, kedua tangan lurus di samping badan.
b)    Angkat kedua tangan ke depan, bungkukkan badan, letakkan kedua telapak tangan di atas maras.
c)    Siku ke samping, masukkan kepala di antara dua tangan.
d)    Sentuhkan bahu ke matras.
e)    Bergulinglah ke depan.
f)    Lipat kedua lutut, tarik dagu dan lutut ke dada dengan posisi tangan merangkul lutut.
g)   Sikap akhir roll depan adalah jongkok kemudian berdiri tegak.

Niall Horan and Carl Falk playing the full guitar chords to One Thing

Hello guys, I think I've gone for ages. haha :)
Now I think I want to share an old video by one of One Direction (because I'm a crazy mofo, duh)

Carl Falk is a songwriter. He wrote 'What Makes You Beautiful', 'Live While We're You', 'Kiss You', and so on (you can see it on the tracklist) for One Direction. He also wrote 'Starships' and 'Pound The Alarm' for Nicki Minaj. He wrote many songs for famous artists such as One Direction, Demi Lovato, Westlife, Akon, Taio Cruz, Nicole Scherzinger, Labyrinth, Nicki Minaj and so on

Carl around the boys :D